Judgement Day for Gympy Street Residents

20 11 2008

Urgent Update:
Friday 21 November at 13h03
Gympie Street Case Dismissed! Residents relieved!

Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign Press Release

When: Friday 21st of November 2008
Where: Magistrate Court, Cape Town (between Buitenkant str & Parade Str)
Time: 08h30
Case: Gympie Street vs Pastor Dennis Robertson

On Friday the 21st of November the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court will give its verdict on the case against the Gympie Street residents. This latest legal battle represents yet another attempt by slumlord Pastor Dennis Robertson to evict the people of Gympie Street. He seems simply unwilling to accept that the people of Gympie Street have a right to adequate housing and dignity. Indeed, he has even been working with the City Council and the police to drive the people from the road. This has seen him collaborating with the City Council to cut off people’s water and electricity, and working with the police to routinely harass and arrest people. It is clear that the threatened mass eviction of families who have been staying in the area for decades, is part of the gentrification process (linked to the World Cup) to clear the City Centre of the poor so that the landlords and the elite can profit and move into the area. As such, this latest legal action is about trying to DUMP the people of Gympie Street on the outskirts of the City. Nonetheless, like the three previous cases, the ruling of the latest case will once again be in favour of the people of Gympie Street.

We want to make it clear to Pastor Robertson that he should not try and criminalise us, he should rather come and talk To us!


For more information Contact:

Willy @
Ashraf @
Gary @
Advocate Zehir Omar @

Woodstock to March Against Evictions

30 07 2008

March Against Evictions

No Land No House No Vote

When: Friday, 1st of August 2008
From: Gympie Street, Woodstock, via Sir Lowry Rd, into Buitenkant Str, turn into Barrack Str, turn right onto Parade Street to Court
To: Magistrate Court, Cape Town (between Buitenkant str & Parade str)
Time: Start point depart 7h30 arrival at Court 8h30

For four years now, we the people of Gympie Street have been living under the threat of evictions from our landlord. Different people have been coming around to us claiming to represent our landlord and wanting to collect rent. In the past our landlord has evicted us in the middle of winter, just like the previous apartheid regime. The landlord has also used all sorts of intimidation tactics, for example removing the water meters in our homes; working with the police to arrest and threaten residents; and collaborating with the City Council in a bid to cut off our electricity.

It is clear that the threatened mass eviction of families who have been staying in the area for decades, is part of the gentrification process (linked to the World Cup) to clear the City Centre of the poor so that the landlords and the elite can profit and move into the area. We also feel that the move to evict us from Gympie Street is part of the problem of Xenophobia in South Africa, because many of the residents were originally from other parts of Africa. Now the landlord has again taken court action against us to try and DUMP us and our families on the outskirts of the City.

For more information contact

Willy Heyn
Zehir Omar

Gympie Street residents being intimidated again by slumlord

27 07 2008
Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign Press Release
Sunday, 27 July, 2008

Woodstock - At 9h10 in the morning, on Wednesday 23 July 2008, three metro police and three SAPS vehicles arrived in Gympie Street and, with the help of municipal electricity department labourers, cut the electricity of the six contested flats on the road. The slumlord, Pastor Dennis Robertson, who has been harassing residents and attempting to evict them since 2003, had instructed the authorities to cut electricity and remove water meters as a punishment for their refusal to vacate the property. Residents describe this as a desperate act by Pastor Dennis Robertson who is worried of loosing next Friday’s court case against residents. A past High Court Judgment has found it to be illegal to intimidate residents and force their eviction through cutting their electricity and other services.

Since this slumlord first claimed he was the new owner 2003, residents of Gympie Street have been fighting for their constitutional right to decent and adequate housing. For years, residents have been paying their rent every month without fail despite the owner never doing any maintenance on the flats, leaving them in hazardous and rundown conditions. As a way to push out these poor residents to gentrify the area in preparation for the 2010 World Cup, Slumlord Dennis has consistently attempted to raise rents.

In 2006, Slumlord Dennis used government to forcibly evict residents from the flats. After spending 6 weeks of a cold and wet winter on the pavement opposite their empty flats, residents used the Prevention of Illegal Evictions (PIE) Act to legally justify their reoccupation of the flats. A year later, the six members of the residents coordinating committee were unjustly arrested and then released on a warning.

In a few days time, on Friday 1st August, residents will be back in court to defend themselves from another unconstitutional eviction order. They will be defended by well-known Advocate Zehir Omar and with the support of the Anti Eviction Campaign will be marching to the Magistrates Court of Cape Town.

The AEC condemns all greedy slumlords, whether or not they are laymen or church pastors, who attempt to rob the poor of their shelter and dignity.

For more information, please contact Willy Heyn (AEC Coordinator) or Zehir Omar (Advocate) at .